Hi Cheryle,
Section 33Z of the Succession Act (Qld) creates a right for an 'entitled person' to view or obtain a copy of the Will. It states that the person with possession or control of a deceased person's will must if asked by an entitled person, allow them to inspect the will or given them a certified copy (payment for copying may be required).
"Entitled Persons" include (amongst others) any person named in the will or any earlier will of the testator, whether or not they are a beneficiary and a spouse, parent or child.
If you fall within one of these categories I would be writing a formal demand to view and/or obtain a copy of the will, and threatening an application to the court if your demand is refused. Otherwise, if probate is granted you can obtain a copy from the Supreme Court, after a will is filed with the court for granting of probate anyone can inspect it upon payment of a small fee.