I am self-representing as an applicant father. I had first hearing today with only prior parental agreements in place, to which we agreed to consent orders in relation to a brief amount of care I already had pending a section 11F conference at the end of August.
My question is, I signed and agreed to these consent orders prior to knowledge of the next court date which is scheduled for September. I have had a family holiday booked since January this year scheduled to take place at the start of August (given notice and itinerary to the mother in January of this year) that includes my child whom the consent orders concern, however, it did not occur to me to add it in this consent orders as it was just temporary until the adjournment.
Likewise, with school holidays, for the last three years un-disputed I have had half the school holidays, again this consent orders is very brief and doesn't include this. Should I best to contact the mother's lawyer or the mother herself in regard to making the added fields? Or better yet get a move on an urgent application to the courts?
I am self-representing as an applicant father. I had first hearing today with only prior parental agreements in place, to which we agreed to consent orders in relation to a brief amount of care I already had pending a section 11F conference at the end of August.
My question is, I signed and agreed to these consent orders prior to knowledge of the next court date which is scheduled for September. I have had a family holiday booked since January this year scheduled to take place at the start of August (given notice and itinerary to the mother in January of this year) that includes my child whom the consent orders concern, however, it did not occur to me to add it in this consent orders as it was just temporary until the adjournment.
Likewise, with school holidays, for the last three years un-disputed I have had half the school holidays, again this consent orders is very brief and doesn't include this. Should I best to contact the mother's lawyer or the mother herself in regard to making the added fields? Or better yet get a move on an urgent application to the courts?