@sammy01... it was a complete disaster and a complete waste of a day off work. We were assigned a new judge on the Friday before hand, this new judge hadn't read anything, including my interim orders from the previous case back in December.
He asked me what I was there for, I said for more time with my daughter as per interim orders, he said I don't have any information on this case so just tell me what you are after. I rattled off the visitation hours I wanted. He then asked the ex, what was the current visitations - she rattled them off, including Tuesdays 2pm to 5:30pm.
The judge said what's wrong with what she has offered. I said, "For starters, as per my documentation, I work, so how does 2pm to 5.30pm on a Tuesday work for me? Then I said, "Plus she has dictated the hours going from every Saturday to now fortnightly Sat/Sun". I said the distance between visits is to far for a 10 mth old baby.
This clown turns around and goes I find in favour of the mother. All done and dusted. Didn't even get onto "special days" etc, etc... So now the ex is loving it, as we walked out she goes "Well, there goes your Easter holiday visits and birthday visits and daycare visits..."
I just shook my head and kept walking...
I haven't written on here for a few days as I've needed to simmer down, I'm just ropable. Direction hearing set for middle of June...
@AllForHer...That's why I'm waiting on the orders as I don't know what was actually agreed on. Plus the fact that she has suspended all visitations until we get it in writing! Once again, I'm just over it. The system is a complete joke.
I'm now contemplating filing a "case in application" as these interim orders are not in the best interest of the child and section 60cc was never considered in the judges judgement.