First up, I'm an aspiring writer and this is all fictional. I've tried to research extensively online but I'm struggling to find specific info (particularly Australian) relevant to my story. I have about a hundred things I could ask, but for now, I'm sticking with my most pressing concern, the question stumping me from writing the last two chapters of my novel.
What is the quickest way to get an innocent man out of prison under criminal law?
I know -- ordinarily; it takes months, years, decades. But I don't have that timeframe for my story. I'm hoping 3-4 weeks max, ideally, less (1-2). But is there anything that would make it realistically possible? If not, what is the shortest realistic timeframe? It's fiction, so I'm completely open here with what needs to happen to get the guy out and I don't mean escape
There's a new confession, which I know means little, and possibly new evidence, but then from what I understand that would mean going through months of a retrial process. I really need to speed that up somehow but I also don't want to skimp on the details and make it unbelievable. I'm sure I read an article somewhere about someone being released days after a new confession/evidence came to light, but that's in the gross vast minority and I cannot find the article again.
Some more detailed info (for you to read or ignore):
Greatly appreciate any help, even just a point in the right direction... This story has been years in the making and I really just need it to be done.
I understand the people here are trying to give/receive help for real-life cases, but I feel like I've exhausted myself and Google trying to find anything relevant or similar, so thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this.
What is the quickest way to get an innocent man out of prison under criminal law?
I know -- ordinarily; it takes months, years, decades. But I don't have that timeframe for my story. I'm hoping 3-4 weeks max, ideally, less (1-2). But is there anything that would make it realistically possible? If not, what is the shortest realistic timeframe? It's fiction, so I'm completely open here with what needs to happen to get the guy out and I don't mean escape
There's a new confession, which I know means little, and possibly new evidence, but then from what I understand that would mean going through months of a retrial process. I really need to speed that up somehow but I also don't want to skimp on the details and make it unbelievable. I'm sure I read an article somewhere about someone being released days after a new confession/evidence came to light, but that's in the gross vast minority and I cannot find the article again.
Some more detailed info (for you to read or ignore):
The innocent man is serving a life sentence, into its 16th year, for falsely confessing to two murders--one of these being high-profile. He's never appealed his case before now. Evidence was based on his confession, fingerprints & returning to the crime scene. Now, the real perpetrator has been arrested on multiple indictment charges and is confessing to these as well. He may or may not have video evidence clearly showing the first murder and innocent man as a bystander. Doesn't help for the high-profile murder, but anyone who looks at these cases is going to think it's pretty obvious he's been innocent all along.
I was going to have him deliver a powerful victim impact statement, either at his own trial or as evidence in the perpetrators, but at this point, I don't even know what the court process would be. All well and good to have undeniable video evidence, but not if it's caught up in months of paperwork. Question is if the justice system would allow for a quick way out, a quick admittance of wrong and wanting to correct the error of judgement or is my story flawed with years of legal battles to wade through before he can come out the other end.
What would the timeframe be from the perpetrator's arrest to the innocent man's exoneration?
I was going to have him deliver a powerful victim impact statement, either at his own trial or as evidence in the perpetrators, but at this point, I don't even know what the court process would be. All well and good to have undeniable video evidence, but not if it's caught up in months of paperwork. Question is if the justice system would allow for a quick way out, a quick admittance of wrong and wanting to correct the error of judgement or is my story flawed with years of legal battles to wade through before he can come out the other end.
Greatly appreciate any help, even just a point in the right direction... This story has been years in the making and I really just need it to be done.