Well if that's the case, and you guys are prepared to be in this little boy's life for the long haul, then go for it. Mediation is a complete joke and waste of time, you're better off going to the movies for 3 hours of your life. But it's good for 1 thing, letting the other party know you are serious, and letting them know what you will be seeking in court before it even happens.
The foreseeable issues will be;
1. Lack of previous time spent, she will more than likely ask for 2 hour supervised visits just to be an ass. DO NOT agree to this ever. I cannot stress this enough, it's an expensive road and a very long one.
2. You will need to put forward a time schedule which allows for "growth in time" but, the good thing is, your time increases and the child's age will be rapid as you live near by. So month one every 2nd Saturday for 4 hours, and every Wednesday night from school pick up to 7.30pm. Then month 2 Every second Weekend 4 hours both Days and Wednesday night blah blah blah...leading upto overnights on the Saturday say in 6 months time, then include Friday night at 9 mths time and Sunday nights in 12 months etc etc.
3. Make sure your parenting orders include time for Father's Day, Xmas Day, Halloween, Easter holidays, Birthdays, New year's Eve...etc etc so for example in all even Years mum gets Xmas Eve from 2pm to 2pm Xmas Day then Dad gets 2pm Xmas Day to 2pm Boxing Day...you get the gist
4. Write out how when where handovers are to take place, ideally most would be done at school, but in this phase in stage, you will have carry it out at say Macca's on a Saturday Arvo.
5. Write in that Dad is able to call the child twice or 3 times a week between 6 to 6.30pm, the child is at liberty to call Dad whenever he likes...etc etc decide if they are video calls or just normal calls.
6. Clothing...how will you deal with the exchanging of clothing/washing/drying/folding/ironing. Pedantic I know but the cause of so many ridiculous arguments...put it in writing and it's done.
7. Medications...who pays for the scripts, medications need to go with the child, doctors appointments, make sure this is covered in detail and water tight. How what where when...make sure the orders state that both parents are at liberty to discuss the child's medical history and medical reports with any doctors the child has seen or is seeing.
8. Do the same with schooling, you don't want to be shut out of school or parent teacher night or the school play because the ex has pulled a swifty on you.