NSW Family Court Orders - Independent Supervisor Refusing to Negotiate Supervised Contact?

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Angels mum

5 October 2016
The family court orders have stated that the child is to spend time with the father from after school to 6:30pm on Monday and Wednesday of each week with a third party independent for supervised contact visits.

As there is a independent supervisor, the court has provided some scope to make necessary changes to fit with her end of availability and if she is persuaded to change the days for availability for me, as I work and I am the one being ordered by the court to pay her fees.

The independent changed the days to Wednesday and Friday for the first week and is now fixated and won't negotiate with me stating the orders by the court and Monday and Wednesday.

I work every Monday and can't change my employment to another day. She knew this from the commencement of these visitation days and stated if she changes the days, it will look like she is taking my side. Yet she is available on Wednesday and Friday.

I have stated to her that if I don't work Mondays then I haven't got the income to pay her, my ex is on Centrelink and can't pay her but won't negotiate to change the day.

What can I do?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
If the Court orders state that supervised time is to take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, then it takes place Mondays and Wednesdays.

If the Court orders state that supervised time is to take place as agreed, and failing agreement, on Mondays and Wednesdays, and you haven't been able to reach agreeement, then it takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays.

The children's relationship with their father is what's important to the Court, not your employment schedule, and your compliance with orders will not be negated by your capacity to fund supervision. Remember, the orders don't just affect you, they also affect the father, the supervisor and the child/ren.

So what can you do?

You might consider getting a loan to help cover the cost of supervision.

You might see if a family member or friend can assist in some way.

You could consider filing an application in a case to change the days of supervised time.

Or you could consider negotiating consent orders with the father and doing away with the Court costs all together.