my partners ex is trying to discredit him as a bad father, saying he physically abused her, saying my son has touched her daughter. None of this is even remotely true.. This woman has lied so much and we have a list of people writing affidavits to support my partner. She's narcissistic and will lie without a second thought. She has nothing to lose now... She's been evicted from her place and has been closely associated w a drug addict, we have affidavits from witnesses saying she's let the kids run around unsupervised in the hotel, she's just been awful and I'm wondering how we fight this kind of person in court. We've got the kids w us currently. We didn't return them due to her eviction and statements of drug use. We're due in court next month and her affidavit is full of lies which can be proven untrue. Are these false allegations going to work against her? Any advice on how to handle this kind of creature?