I have been reading this site for a long time and this is my first posting, so please be gentle 
I see no point in going into a tit for tat contest spruiking how bad my ex, the mother of my sons, is as opposed to many others who have talked openly about how terrible their exes are, but suffice to say if there was a scale of 1-10 with 1 being a good parent throughout separation and putting the children first and foremost and 10 being the worst of the worst in every respect that does not need to be dredged up here, then sadly my ex is a 10.
However, I had the fortunate opportunity right from the separation of a close family friend who had been through the proverbial *wringer* and her words of wisdom were to always, always focus on the children and your love for them no matter what the ex does and although this was the most incredibly hard thing to do many times, it does pay dividends as your children grow older and start to see what is going on.
Now for the super fast version of my background in post-separation with the focus on my sons only, not the financial as it is another overly dredged gory topic that many have been subjected to.
We split in early 2011 as she had been having an affair for 12 months when my youngest was only 3 months old. I found out, she confessed, I kicked her out and fast forward through 3 years of family court over custody od children as she opposed to pretty much everything (she had Legal Aid in Federal Family Court and I used my superannuation to pay for solicitors). I pushed for 7/7 and finally got it after 8 appearances and enough money to make people here lose heart so not for mention.
In a normal world where a Federal Judge has made family court orders pertaining to custody of children for 7/7 with all the standard trimmings of equal responsibility, shared holidays, etc., things would likely gravitate to peace shortly after as the battle has been ended but alas I refer back to the LVL 10 ex I sadly have.
Rapid fast forward through all the things so many endure with the inability to contact your children when they are in the ex's custody, even though it's perfect when they are in yours vice versa, missed birthday's, etc, missed sporting events, etc, all sadly seem too common reading other's experiences.
She today informed me via text message she is leaving Cairns and moving down south where her father is about 14 hours drive and for the *several months she needs to be there*, I will have full custody of children, obviously as she has tried previously to leave town with my little men and failed in court.
Long winded essay over but I needed to paint a picture for the best help;
1. She has asked that the 7/7 agreement remain so that whenever she moves back to Cairns (no expected time frame) that she can resume doing 7/7 with my sons.
2. How long does she need to be gone before I can apply to the court to have a new agreement made based on the fact she left the area?
Sadly, this has turned out to be a long-winded posting but I have put all of my lawyer's children through private school for life, based on what I paid him from what has happened and I was hoping to deal with this myself.
I look forward to your replies.
I see no point in going into a tit for tat contest spruiking how bad my ex, the mother of my sons, is as opposed to many others who have talked openly about how terrible their exes are, but suffice to say if there was a scale of 1-10 with 1 being a good parent throughout separation and putting the children first and foremost and 10 being the worst of the worst in every respect that does not need to be dredged up here, then sadly my ex is a 10.
However, I had the fortunate opportunity right from the separation of a close family friend who had been through the proverbial *wringer* and her words of wisdom were to always, always focus on the children and your love for them no matter what the ex does and although this was the most incredibly hard thing to do many times, it does pay dividends as your children grow older and start to see what is going on.
Now for the super fast version of my background in post-separation with the focus on my sons only, not the financial as it is another overly dredged gory topic that many have been subjected to.
We split in early 2011 as she had been having an affair for 12 months when my youngest was only 3 months old. I found out, she confessed, I kicked her out and fast forward through 3 years of family court over custody od children as she opposed to pretty much everything (she had Legal Aid in Federal Family Court and I used my superannuation to pay for solicitors). I pushed for 7/7 and finally got it after 8 appearances and enough money to make people here lose heart so not for mention.
In a normal world where a Federal Judge has made family court orders pertaining to custody of children for 7/7 with all the standard trimmings of equal responsibility, shared holidays, etc., things would likely gravitate to peace shortly after as the battle has been ended but alas I refer back to the LVL 10 ex I sadly have.
Rapid fast forward through all the things so many endure with the inability to contact your children when they are in the ex's custody, even though it's perfect when they are in yours vice versa, missed birthday's, etc, missed sporting events, etc, all sadly seem too common reading other's experiences.
She today informed me via text message she is leaving Cairns and moving down south where her father is about 14 hours drive and for the *several months she needs to be there*, I will have full custody of children, obviously as she has tried previously to leave town with my little men and failed in court.
Long winded essay over but I needed to paint a picture for the best help;
1. She has asked that the 7/7 agreement remain so that whenever she moves back to Cairns (no expected time frame) that she can resume doing 7/7 with my sons.
2. How long does she need to be gone before I can apply to the court to have a new agreement made based on the fact she left the area?
Sadly, this has turned out to be a long-winded posting but I have put all of my lawyer's children through private school for life, based on what I paid him from what has happened and I was hoping to deal with this myself.
I look forward to your replies.