hi, I have been married for 1.5 yrs now. My wife and I had a turbulent relationship and I suffered a lot of mental harassment and financial stress. She sought police help after we had an argument where I touched on her shoulder. She accused me of domestic violence and I accepted that I had touched her shoulder at the police station, not knowing that would amount to assault. She has taken an avo against me and the case is pending for final hearing. She has also applied for pr based on the avo. I have spent a fortune on her and have worked hard all these years to give her all comforts but she never appreciated it and made my life miserable by picking up fights on smallest of issues. Now she has victimised herself at the cost of my career and reputation though she herself has abused me in past but I never made that an issue. Will she get a pr on the basis of the avo and whT will hPpen to me? I have had an excellent spotless career so far and have no criminal record against me,