For 5months we have been waiting for my husband tax return. Tax return was through a accountant. The ATO approved my husband refund at x amount 4 months ago. One month later my husband calls the office saying where’s my money why isn’t it in my account. The office said because of covid the ATO has delayed tax return money. My husband receive a email telling him he would be refunded $1000 less then what the ato said. The account fee is $350. They also said they are being audited and there’s a discrepancy. My husband called back yesturday saying where’s my money. They spun some story and got really agitated and said they will have it sorted by tomorrow. Now I just found out someone else in the same boat. They are delaying their money. I did some research and found out this persons licence has been forfeited and is no longer licences. For 5 months we have missed on on interest on our own money. What do we do |