I wonder if anybody has knowledge as to what sort of information a court would look at from a beneficiary to defend against a contest. The person who is contesting has done "some research" and has second hand information that alleges our circumstances are the same and thereby assumes the court will give them half, and so will not entertain any negotiation. Their information though is woefully inaccurate, while they think we are in a similar situation, in actual fact my family and I are suffering considerably more than what the person who is contesting claims their family is, some of which is as a direct result of that person who is contesting and their repeated abuse over the years.
In summary, what sort of documentation should I gather together and in what volume so as to be helpful to maintaining my inheritance rather than being a drain on the court?
In summary, what sort of documentation should I gather together and in what volume so as to be helpful to maintaining my inheritance rather than being a drain on the court?