So, this year I moved into a manufactured home in a caravan park that used to belong to my partner’s grandfather. The grandfather passed and used to have “tenure” on the home preventing the rental agreement and rates to be adjusted in anyway. We have since taken over that tenure and upheld the existing agreement as my partner is a blood relative. Partner’s mother and family own the home, we pay rent weekly for site expenses. There’s been an ongoing civil dispute where the park manager refused to buy the manufactured home initially and now is trying to intimidate us into leaving so he can acquire the house on vacant possession I guess. This week, he cut our electricity and water services. He went through mediation with a legal representative that has been working with our family (mediation went nowhere), and has been claiming that we had not upheld “Section 16 G” of the manufactured homes Act 2003. I read the legislation and cannot find anywhere that he can cut utilities for any reason. Does he have the right to cut utilities?