Hi Ivy,
I have taken so long to respond as I am under quite a bit of stress with a defamation claim. It is all new to me dealing with a lawyer and I have had to put my faith in the lawyer that they are guiding me correctly. The defendant ignored the concerns notice and a statement of claim and claim is being lodged today. I noticed on this document that one of the defamatory publishing's was missing and was advised by my lawyer that the I year date has expired. This has caused me a bit of upset as I certainly had the lawyer issue the concerns notice well within twelve months and now three months on I find that a part is not able to be used because the defendant took so long to respond. I thought legal action commencement was considered when the twelve month time limit was concerned. I guess I am also disappointed that my lawyer did not advise me to be aware of this given that the twelve months only expired a week ago, which means we could have had things drafted sooner.
With regard to harassment, I am getting harassed from the best friend of the person that the defamation claim is being made against. It is via emails, no physical threats, but it was enough to have me go to the police for advice. They then sent me to the court house to get a peace and good behaviour form. However I was told at the court house it is no good unless I have had physical threats and does not cover harassment and verbal abuse. They suggested my lawyer, my lawyer said first things first with my defamation claim. Reality is, this man is known to be extremely protective and possessive over his best mate, he is also known to be a bit of a verbal bully on social media. I don't know what to do at present, it is horrible and has me concerned not knowing what may come next especially when his best friend is sopeoner next week.
Thanks Ivy.