My previous landlords have sold the building I am leasing.
They never provided a lease contract as such. Just a piece of paper stating thar the lease was for 10 years and basically what the rent is etc. I do however have a deed of assignment of lease that was signed at time of when I purchased the business.
The new landlord after a year and a half of owning the building has drawn up a new lease but is not honouring the 10 year lease but is only offering 2 years.
What are my rights? Should I be concerned that if I sign, they are plotting on kicking me out after this time? Would my deed of assignment of lease be enough to protect the 10 year lease I had?
I am worried, as the real estate they are using has a past with these sorts of dealings.
Any help would be much appreciated!
My previous landlords have sold the building I am leasing.
They never provided a lease contract as such. Just a piece of paper stating thar the lease was for 10 years and basically what the rent is etc. I do however have a deed of assignment of lease that was signed at time of when I purchased the business.
The new landlord after a year and a half of owning the building has drawn up a new lease but is not honouring the 10 year lease but is only offering 2 years.
What are my rights? Should I be concerned that if I sign, they are plotting on kicking me out after this time? Would my deed of assignment of lease be enough to protect the 10 year lease I had?
I am worried, as the real estate they are using has a past with these sorts of dealings.
Any help would be much appreciated!