VIC Client is using my product packaging design refuses to pay

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19 January 2022
Please can you advise me what i can do, I have email confirmation from client they want me to design product packaging, I sent a quote with really heavy discount because they have given me work before, I quoted for 7 product colour lines $150 each individual box - when i submitted invoice $150 x7 $1050 ..they said they are not paying, 7 Boxes took approx 20 hours to do, they came back said its only 1 hours work so i'm only paying $150. they are now using my boxes and selling products but they wont pay me - they tried to come back and say i didn't send a quote - i went through files and email conversations and They have quotes sent twice and emails explaining and cost and forwarded the quotes and conversations, they wont even read my replys and keep saying they didn't say that when in black and white they did. what can i do?


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27 May 2014
Assuming you have invoiced them and they are outside the payment terms, send a strong demand letter that threatens court/VCAT if they fail to pay within 30 days. And if they still do not pay, take them to court/VCAT.

BTW, in the interim gather your evidence showing they are using your work. It helps your case, but note that even if they didn't use your work, they are liable for the debt.

The alternative is to forget all about the debt and never use them again unless 100% is paid upfront. Some people are not worth the stress.

If it was me, I'd chase them for the money.