QLD Chronically disabled, will HECS/HELP debt be taken from inheritance from parents?

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Active Member
6 July 2014
My son became chronically disabled and was put on the disability support pension before he finished his degree ten years ago. He is not able to work and there is no cure for his illness, but he has a large debt for his law degree which is now growing because of indexation.
When we pass away will any of his debt be taken from any inheritance we leave to him?
Thank you I appreciate your help.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2024
It can if you allow it especially if written in a will.
I have heard rumours that hecs can only pay off when your employment is a direct outcome from your degree (I.e. studying a law degree but working in a different industry would not take hecs off your pay). I earn around 50k in retail and have science degrees and have never been charged hecs repayments although may be under the threshold.