VIC Child's First Communion - Parents Must Agree on Child's Religion?

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Well-Known Member
20 May 2015
My son has a 7year old daughter who was bapitised in the Anglican church and who lives with her mother. He has reasonable access to her. He has equal and shared care under the agreement, and consented to the child attending a Catholic school. He is not Catholic but the mother nominally is although she did not want her daughter baptized as a Catholic at the time. She does not attend church.

My son has learned that his daughter is making her first communion in the catholic church this year through the school.There has been no discussion with him about this event happening and no agreement to change her religion. My son sometimes attends church with his daughter.

Does anyone know if this is legal under family law?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Do you mean, can she do this? Technically yes, but she is expected to discuss all major long-term decisions, which includes religion, with the other parent to try and reach agreement about them.

The father can organise a family dispute resolution conference to try and have this issue sorted, and if agreement is unable to be reached, then he can apply to the court to decide based on what's in the best interests of the child.


I agree with AllForHer,

Where there is equal shared parental responsibility, parents must consult and come to a joint agreement on decisions about, things they describe as "major long term issues" for their children. These include, education, religion, health, name and changes to living arrangements.

While the parent with day to day care of the child is responsible for day to day decisions, religion is one which is to be determined jointly by both parents.

They should consider mediation if they are unable to come to an agreement otherwise.