QLD Child Support for Step-Children by Their Mother - Family Law Options?

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10 December 2015
Like most families in this situation, my story is a tale full of unbelievable injustices, strange happenings and plenty of mental anguish. But ultimately, it has had devasting effects on 6 innocent kids who are caught in the middle.

I married a man on Disability Support Pension with 3 kids. I have 2 kids with him and 1 from a previous relationship. I have been his carer since we got married. I care for the 3 kids we have at home and care for his kids when we have access.

When we got married and moved in together, his Disability Support Pension payment went from approx $850 p/f to 515 p/f. I also lost money from my sole parent pension as I was now a member of a couple.

We have his children every second weekend, half of the holidays and-and supposed to get them for father's day, birthdays, etc.

Aside from the fact that his ex-wife makes the plans for my family every other weekend, without consent or any communication with us (signing kids up from extracurricular activities without our consent- football, tae kwon do, etc., then demands we take them, and when her demands aren't met she sends police round for welfare check) while my daughter can't even sign up for anything as this woman usually has us somewhere for football.

She changes our holidays access, last minute, for no reason just at her whim and I incur cancelation fees, not able to book as no date is ever confirmed.

My issue being there is no provisions in our income for his children. My partner will never work again so, ultimately, this is the situation we are in will be in for quite some time.

As his carer, the care of his kids ultimately falls onto me by default, but why should the burden of cost be mine to bear as well. She works, the dad doesn't, so shouldn't she be the one supporting her own children? Is that not the point of child support? Why do my children have to go without?

Every fortnight I still have to budget, shop for, feed and care for 6 kids, but I only recieve assistance for my 3 children from centrelink. As care is below 35%, no family tax is paid for his kids..,(we have approx 28%)

Why should my 3 kids have to share the meager pittance the government deems they are eligible for? We live below the poverty line as it is and the government seems to think that it's fair that they share that assistance too. Bit rough, don't you think?

What avenues are available to me under Family Law to hold her accountable for the care of her kids? My marriage is crumbling, nearly over due to this situation. as you can imagine the levels of stress are becoming intolerable.

I'd also like to know what weight is given to maintaining the relationships with step siblings? Would I be successful in obtaining an order relating to my kids having access with his kids aside from the time he gets? Especially if we separate, are my children entitled to time with their brothers and sisters?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
So, just so I have a clear picture of this family situation...

Three kids with his ex-wife. One kid with your ex-husband. Two kids with your current husband.

Is anyone paying, or receiving child support?


10 December 2015
There is a current order for 1900 p/a to be paid by mother, but no money has been received to date. Not sure what goes on at the moment, but I claimed the FTB for his kids. Apparently it will be used to repay arrears, not come into our household to actually help look after the kids.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
You might like to apply for another assessment from the Child Support Agency to ensure it is up to date and possibly apply to have the money owed enforced, as well. What about your former spouse? Is he paying child support, as well?