J is 89 years old. B is 84. They have been married for 30 years, no children form this marriage. Both have children from previous marriages. Both owned properties before their marriage, sold and bought a large modern house in upmarket inner Melbourne suburb where they have resided for past 10 years. Both names are on the title.
J reckons that B will probably outlive him. They both have some separate accounts and 2 joint ones. J has money [ significant ] in trust accounts for his 2 adult children.
In his will, the house will be sold and B gets 40% of proceeds and his children 60%. There is no known prenup.
Can this will be legally challenged and if so with what degree of success?
J reckons that B will probably outlive him. They both have some separate accounts and 2 joint ones. J has money [ significant ] in trust accounts for his 2 adult children.
In his will, the house will be sold and B gets 40% of proceeds and his children 60%. There is no known prenup.
Can this will be legally challenged and if so with what degree of success?