^^ Yes Sammy01 is somewhat right on the mark there! Unfortunately most coppers like 2 flex their muscles & authority, and will often conduct unlawful searches without a warrant (technically rendering them illegal) and theyll bend rules/law 2 suit them & do whatever necessary 2 increase their prospects at securing a conviction! Notice... they really seem 2 hate an "Educated Customer" (sum1 atune & familiar with the law) often Ud see their attitudes change, almost becoming aggressive, as they go on the offence/defense. In a way can be quite funny!
...But No as far as I know & am aware, under normal circumstances they do need 2 obtain a warrant 2 search a mobile phone?! But theyll always find legal loopholes 2 bend & change law 2 work in their favor, just like Im pretty sure they apparently can search if theres suspected drug involvement/activity..? But still I dare say that theyd have 2 have sufficient cause & evidence, otherwise theyd be confiscating everybodys phones that maybe just happening 2 be passing thru "hotspot" areas such as Bankstown/Cabramatta, Sunshine/Footscray, Elizabeth/Smithfield, etc.. Is quite funny really, that theyve provided themselves this power & change in amendment 2 search the Personal phone of a petty small time dime bag pot dealer, whilst next door u probably got sum sick F_ _k taking pics & batting off 2 kiddy porn?!
* Yeah seriously we got sum whacked & F"d up laws in Oz!!