An extract from the Procedures Advice Manual:
16.16 Unresolved criminal matters and charges or convictions in absentia
In the case where a non-citizen has an unresolved criminal matter that has not been finalised before the relevant court, they would not generally be considered under s501 until the charges are finally determined. However, where the person already has convictions or other criminality that would lead them to fail the character test, it is not necessary to wait for the outcome of any ongoing criminal matters before making a sections501decision on the case.
It is a similar case where a person is in Australia and they are facing charges in another country (for example charges in absentia). In this case it may not be practical for the non-citizen to return to that country to have the charges resolved. In this circumstance it may be more practical for the conduct that is subject to those charges to be considered in the context of s501(6)(c)(i)and/or(ii)having regard to the non-citizen’s past and present criminal and or general conduct.
Character National Office Help Desk (
[email protected]) should be contacted in the first instance when requiring further policy advice where there is are questions relating unresolved criminal matters and charges or convictions in absentia.