If I was discharged from bankruptcy Jan 2010
Just so I'm clear - did you mean January 2020,
and you just made a typo?
... and inherited some mone when my motherdied dec 2019...
If you didn't inherit until nine-ish years
after your discharge,
then typically, you'll get to keep it.
But, if you really meant January 2020...
An inheritance during your bankruptcy
(no matter when the money was actually delivered to you)
is fair game for your creditors, yes.
The thing of postponing delivery of inherited money
to evade having to hand it your creditors... nah.
And I'm pretty sure that concealing it from your Trustee
(and certainly, concealing it from your creditors)
is an offence.
Have a read of
For advanced players: Sometimes, a testamentary gift can be conditional.
Such as:
"I leave X thousand dollars to my son, but only on the condition
that he is not an undischarged bankrupt, nor the subject of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings,
at the time of my death."