whose name is on the lease?
are you paying the rent?
She can ask you to vacate. Do you have to? not if your name is on the lease... BUT if she has a no communication order on the avo, then she could be in breach by emailing you.
Why not speak to the cops, ask them to contact her and organize a time for her to get her stuff. Mate I have had an avo against me... I could not go near my own house. The cops agreed to attend while I collected some stuff, but the ex had to agree. I had to make a list of the things I wanted and the ex had to agree. All fair and reasonable... When I realized my bike was not on the list, I ask to take it.. She said NO... She sold it on ebay instead.... That was a pretty nasty thing to do... What sort of person are you? same as my ex? I'll leave you to think about it...