VIC Abusive husband has IVO on me and wants custody of our children.

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Active Member
5 April 2021
Or ignore that rant.

So nope you don't have to wait for the IVO to end.

Two options.
1. Call Relationships Australia or any other govt subsidised mediation provider to organise mediation. This will take weeks. It is the slow cheap option.
2. Get a solicitor to write to him asking for him to contact them to discuss getting you time with the kids and permission for you to contact him via text message only for the purposes of arranging time with the kids. This is the fast option / expensive option. It will probably cost less than a grand.

BUT you must always remember that any text message you send could be seen by a judge. So don't get into any text message war. Be very precise with your words.

Ok so it feels like he is winning. Yep. Been there. But family law is marathon not a sprint. So is parenting and by the sounds of things he is probably struggling doing it all on his own.

Next - no more pot. You might need to provide a pee sample... So no more drugs.

Final two things.
1.Please take this criticism as well intended. I nearly didn't bother to read your first post. It is a huge wall of words. Sorry I'm an English teacher. It really is easier to read if there are paragraphs it just makes it heaps easier to read.
2. Stay calm. I"ve been where you are. It would be super easy to do something dumb. Don't. Doing nothing right now is the best thing. Dont call him, text him, drive past the house, don't do drugs. Don't drink so you don't get drunk and do something impulsive. Do NOTHING.... But do get professional help from a dr or psychologist.
Stay calm
Thand you Sammy for your sound advice. I agree with the lack of paragraphs, you wouldn’t know it but like you, my work involves careful writing. I would like to edit my post accordingly but can‘t work out how to. There is more to my story which I will post below.


Active Member
5 April 2021
If the child no longer attends that CC Centre, you could apply to have the order varied so that you can move back into your home. See a lawyer or talk to court registry about the application, appropriate forms & fees.
Hi Atticus, thank you for responding. I do have a lawyer assisting me. The final order said I couldn’t be at x address ( x being my home where the AFMs were residing at the time the interim order was placed but they had since moved out prior to the final order being made).

There were mistakes on the final order ( I’m guessing clerical) that included my date of birth being incorrect, and that I was present at court and agreed to the final order. I was not present, nor was my lawyer and neither of us agreed to the final order that was made nor would we have agreed if we’d been afforded the opportunity to be present. My lawyer had advised the court that I would be agreeing to the conditions on the interim order, which there were three of - not the nine conditions on the final order.

The police have now given me on paper, a revised version of the final order where my home address has been removed. So I ‘can’ be at my home except the 200m exclusion remains on the order and it’s in conflict. We have a date set for a court hearing in July to contest the 200m exclusion on the final order. In the meantime, it’s been suggested that I not be in my home when my daughter might be at the CC Centre.

That alone is confusing enough. But to add to it, my husband told my mother he contacted the police in order to remove the condition that I couldn’t be at my house. From my mother’s account, he was unaware and surprised that the order said I couldn’t be at my house.

Of course there’s still much more to the story but I’m loathe to burden you.

Thank you again for responding.


Active Member
5 April 2021
If you’re female? You have avenues! Your best is all you can do!
Don’t rely on lawyers!
Get cctv and anything to assist with tracking your movements!
The law is a toothless lion! FLC is a disgraceful. sickening fraud!
If for a second!? You believe that lawyers will help!? You’ve fallen for the con! It’s a business! They DON’T CARE!
The same day!
Your lawyers and his/hers are probably having drinks and discussing where the next holiday will be!
FALSE ACCUSATIONS are being used as weapons! It is CHILD ABUSE!
They don’t care!
I’ve had it all thrown at me! Proven false and nothing done to the accuser!?
Kids alienated! Never to be held/seen in 3 years! False Accusations at every turn! Assisted by police! Eager to get promoted! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Don’t rely on police! Ignorant, feminist influenced, leftist, revenue raising, incompetent morons! Is exactly what I encountered! Taking reporting to AFP & ASIO in regards to the pathetic behaviour and actions of police in my situation! I now have NO RESPECT/TRUST in these lying bastards!
Other than those closest!?
Don’t quit!
Thank you for sharing your experience. I too have been advised to use recording devices to prevent my husband from making false claims against me. And like you have described, I’m reluctant to put faith in authorities now. Both the police and the DHHS have acted on my case in ways that are at the very least questionable.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
The police have now given me on paper, a revised version of the final order where my home address has been removed. So I ‘can’ be at my home except the 200m exclusion remains on the order and it’s in conflict. We have a date set for a court hearing in July to contest the 200m exclusion on the final order. In the meantime, it’s been suggested that I not be in my home when my daughter might be at the CC Centre.
Well at least they have revised it enough that you can actually move back in.... Hope your lawyer is their for you in July.