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Verbal abuse (also verbal attack or verbal assault) is the act of forcefully criticizing, insulting, or denouncing another person. Characterized by underlying anger and hostility, it is a destructive form of communication intended to harm the self-concept of the other person and produce negative emotions. Verbal abuse is a maladaptive mechanism that anyone can display occasionally, such as during times of high stress or physical discomfort. For some people, it is a pattern of behaviors used intentionally to control or manipulate others or to get revenge.

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  1. C

    QLD Verbal position offer

    I was verbally offered a different role at my workplace, I accepted the offer, then one week before I was to move into the new role, I was told that due to industrial relations (was not told what) the offer was given to someone else, and it was the Executive Directors discretion to do so. I am...
  2. U

    Does a Verbal Agreement over Land use terminate at death of one party?

    Hi, I hope someone can assist with this! I bought a property in late 2019. I had the boundary surveyed in May, 2020, at my expense, as my side neighbours kept driving on part of my land to access their back yard. There was no fencing between the two properties. They have refused to talk to...
  3. D

    WA Does a Verbal parenting plan override a court order ( if the verbal has been followed for 2 years )

    I am looking to relocate ( 2 hours away ) and wish to revert back to my original court orders that were followed for 3 years. I had legal advice that my new verbal parenting plans supersedes the court order ( even though not signed ) as we had a new care roster for 2 years. Now I want to go...
  4. Y

    QLD Sold the land to get out of their contribution and verbal and written contract/agreement on the fence

    Hi, Firstly, I am in QLD. I have an issue in that 1. The neighbor wanted a new dividing fence. 2. After months and months back and forth and applications and notices to QCAT we made an agreement together at a local coffee shop. (me to pay 500 they would pay the rest around 3,000, due to...
  5. P

    VIC Rescue Horse no lease - who takes ownership

    I adopted a 6 week old orphan foal from a registered rescue centre. There was no contract other than verbal agreement. Not to be sold, stays at my property only, I pay for gelding, and should circumstances change he be returned to rescue centre. I was told that once the rescue centre had...