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A subpoena (; also subpœna, supenna or subpena) or witness summons is a writ issued by a government agency, most often a court, to compel testimony by a witness or production of evidence under a penalty for failure. There are two common types of subpoenas:

subpoena ad testificandum orders a person to testify before the ordering authority or face punishment. The subpoena can also request the testimony to be given by phone or in person.
subpoena duces tecum orders a person or organization to bring physical evidence before the ordering authority or face punishment. This is often used for requests to mail copies of documents to requesting party or directly to court.

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  1. P

    do I need to subpoena family report writer for cross examination during final hearing?

    I am Self Represented Litigant (applicant) and have the final hearing soon. Do I need to subpoena the family report writer if I want to cross examine them during final hearing?
  2. M

    NSW Hearing adjourned - do I need to resubpoena witnesses to give evidence?

    That's it really. The witnesses turned up on the day but the hearing got adjourned, only because the magistrate was off sick and they ran out of time. Do I need to ask the registrar to issue new subpoenas to give evidence on these 2 witnesses?
  3. M

    NSW Subpoena production redacted

    Hi all I subpoenaed documents from a company and they have been produced but 90% redacted. My understanding was that redactions are only to protect personally identifying information. What legislation do I use to press for an unredacted version, or at least an explanation for the redactions...
  4. T

    VIC Subpoena and detail?

    I want to write a Subpoena for a matter where I am being accused of something. Proceedings have started. I wish to get copies of the emergency calls to police and some other documents. In Victoria do I need to state any legislation in this subpoena. Also, I understand I have to justify...
  5. T

    VIC Suphoena format for 000 call?

    If I want to apply for a Subpoena for an up and coming court hearing for a case where I'm accused of doing something by an accuser (something I didn't do), and I know that the 000 call will provide the truth about what actually happened, can anyone tell me what I need to say to justify getting...
  6. K

    QLD Subpoena phone records

    To whom it may concern or whom may be able to assist myself in FCFCOA. I am self represented women whom is seeking advice on whether or not phone records can be subpoenaed? I have a cover letter prepared to show the relevance, of which there definitely is. I understand the process and have...
  7. M

    WA Can parties view ICL subpoenaed docs?

    ICL has issued subpoenas for medical, counselling records etc. There are orders that allow ICL, FC and SEW to view the subpoenaed material. The is no specific order saying the parents do/don’t have permission to view. I’d rather OP didn’t view, and have no interest in viewing myself. If OP...
  8. K

    How to subpoena recordings of phone call?

    I have been wrongly charged with criminal offenses at my local court and the key piece of evidence I need to clear my name is recordings of all outgoing and incoming calls from/to my iPhone on one particular day in June 2021. I am going to have to represent myself in this matter so I don't know...
  9. C

    Subpoena request for Defence Vetting in Family Law- implications on reputation and future working impairment

    In a family law case my ex has subpoenaed the depart of defence for vetting notes. I work as a consultant to the Defence. She is a Banking and Finance lawyer- can she unnecessarily request subpoenas that may ultimately impact my ability to get work? Is this a misuse of court and legal power? How...
  10. Georg

    NSW Obtaining a copy of someone elses ADVO

    Can you legally obtain a copy of an ADVO you are not named on, without having it subpoenaed? Or would this have to be supplied by one of the parties on the ADVO if there is no formal request made?