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This is a list of the Indian Regional Transport Offices and the assigned codes for vehicle registration. These are broken down to states or Union Territories and their districts.
The offices are all belonging to a certain type:

ARTO : Additional Transport Office
AssRTO : Assistant Regional Transport Office
DTC : Deputy Transport Commissioner
DTO : District Transport Office
DyDZO : Deputy Directorate Zonal Office
DyRTO : Deputy Regional Transport Office
JtRTO : Joint Regional Transport Officer
JTC : Joint Transport Commissioner
LA : Licensing Authority
MVI : Motor Vehicle Inspector
PVD : Public Vehicles Department
RLA : Regional Licensing Authority
RTA : Regional Transport Authority
RTO : Regional Transport Office
SDivO : Subdivisional Office
SDM : Subdivisional Magistrate
SRTO : Sub Regional Transport Office
STA : State Transport Authority
UO : Unit Office
WIAA : Western India Automobile Association

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  1. sensec

    WA RTO offering refund but making it impractical to gain

    I have had an issue where after paying for a full day course the actual course on the day was double booked and the RTO (registered training organisation) basically finished up the course at midday to run another that afternoon. The training course finished with an exam which myself and I...
  2. R

    VET Education Institutions

    With the introduction of VET Student Loans from the beginning of 2017 the Commonwealth govt introduced legislation at the same time that gives the government the power to require educational institutions to pay the Commonwealth a fee. I believe (though, not 100% sure) it was VET Student Loans...
  3. J

    VIC Common Law - Provide Independent Contractor with Original Agreement?

    We have an independent contractor, who has been facilitating in our RTO (registered training organisation) for 3 and a bit years, as well as doing other work outside of our teaching schedule, which is around 70 days per year with us. He teaches in one of our venues in another state, only marks...
  4. W

    VIC Conflict Between National Employment Standards and Employment Contract?

    Since reaching age 60, I have been working for 12 years as a casual teacher for an RTO under a signed Employee Contract termed 'Non-Award' and receiving the approximate 25% loading for casual employment. I do not know if this Agreement is a ratified one with the FWC. There is no Union in this...
  5. M

    QLD RTO Taking on Governing Body for Loss of Business?

    Hi, unsure what thread group this goes in so feel free to move it. I am currently employed at a training company in Queensland. Now the governing body is the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) which is responsible for making sure all RTO's (Registered Training Organisations) are up to...