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Orders Are Orders is a 1955 British comedy film directed by David Paltenghi, and featuring Brian Reece, Peter Sellers, Sid James, Tony Hancock, Raymond Huntley, and Bill Fraser. Eric Sykes contributed to the script and appears in a minor role. It was a remake of the 1933 film Orders Is Orders.

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  1. D

    NSW Consent orders and communication

    Hi, have court approved consent orders that allow me time with my grandchildren both in person and via video.calls. I have tried multiple times to communicate with the mother about the children's birthdays etc but she just ignores my messages. Is this OK? Besides being rude, is there anything I...
  2. S

    QLD Goods given away in consent orders

    Hi, I have been through consent orders and seperation with the ex. I have retained ownership of the house and she has yet to pick up her goods listed in the consent orders. She went over the 90 days of the consent orders, so i had my solicitor inform her solicitor that as she went over the 90...
  3. M

    WA Consent Orders - Changed Mind After Signing - But Before Submission

    They were signed. We were so close - actually thought it was over. I know they're not legally binding until stamped by court. The evening of signing, the other party emailed ICL and asked to delay submission. The ICL had not submitted the clean copy yet. Now the other party is not agreeing to...
  4. J

    QLD Clarification of 'leave' note in current orders

    Hi all, It's been a while since posting. If my partners orders currently state "It is noted: that if the mother is unable to ensure that the child has attended 90% of the school days while the child is in her care, then the father has leave to commence proceedings with the view to having the...
  5. mkr

    QLD Australian Passport for step-daughter, resident in PNG with PNG issued custody orders

    Hi there, The older sister of my own daughter is resident in PNG, with her Mother. She is a dual Australian/PNG citizen, as her Father is Australian, and was originally issued an Australian passport which has now expired. Her natural father (resident in Aust) is uncontactable, unhelpful and...
  6. N

    VIC My ex has moved to a new address with the kids and have consent orders

    Hi, My ex has moved to a new address with the kids and I don't know the new address (all I know she had moved with her parents for now) Consent orders state: Any party must notify the other party 21 days prior to any change of address. Do I have to send an email asking for the new address, or...
  7. T

    VIC Intervention orders and police attendance?

    If someone is going to forward to apply for an intervention order and they want to get the police to provide their assessment at this situation when they were called to the scene whenever they were called, who asks the police to provide that information? Does the magistrate do this before the...
  8. S

    VIC Child Support - Financial Consent Orders - 10 years later

    Financial consent orders (and parenting orders) all sealed and stamped years ago when children toddlers. Ex and I are now on semi-amicable terms when it comes to raising our children, co-parenting OK. Money matters is a different story. He refuses to discuss finances, bordering on abusive...
  9. T

    Consent Orders

    Hi, my ex husband and i have signed a consent order that allows me to have 100 % care of my kids, have no contact with their dad, have their passports and travel and even allows me to change their last name. He asked me to have a lawyer draft the consent orders and he didn't want to pay for...
  10. B

    NSW Both parents agreed to changing orders but these now fail

    There has been a court order in place for over 10 years for my 2 children then ages 4 and 6. They spent the weekdays with me and 3 out of 4 weekends with their mother. 50% school holidays. There was disagreements over the years but this stayed in place. The children respected them too and we...