child protection

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Child protection is the safeguarding of children from violence, exploitation, abuse, and neglect. Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provides for the protection of children in and out of the home. One of the ways to ensure this is by giving them quality education, the fourth of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to other child protection systems.

Child protection systems are a set of usually government-run services designed to protect children and young people who are underage and to encourage family stability. UNICEF defines a ‘child protection system’ as: the set of laws, policies, regulations and services needed across all social sectors – especially social welfare, education, health, security and justice – to support prevention and response to protection-related risks. These systems are part of social protection, and extend beyond it. At the level of prevention, their aim includes supporting and strengthening families to reduce social exclusion, and to lower the risk of separation, violence and exploitation. Responsibilities are often spread across government agencies, with services delivered by local authorities, non-State providers, and community groups, making coordination between sectors and levels, including routine referral systems etc.., a necessary component of effective child protection systems.

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  1. T

    NSW Help DCJ involvement

    Me (mum, 26) and my partner (step dad, 24) have just had DCJ become involved with us and my nearly 8 year old son and they have never even blinked in our direction before. They initially came to the house telling us they had received 15 very serious anonymous reports and had to come in and look...
  2. N

    VIC CPS summary of reasons declined

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  3. B

    Child protection QLD

    I have 2 kids to my ex partner we were together for 7 years. Towards the end of our relationship she gave birth to our second child but our relationship was unfortunately already deteriorating. I found out she was seeing someone on the side which was enough for me to move out temporarily and...
  4. M

    VIC Does anyone have advice on Child protection in Family law disputes?

    Hello I am looking for some information on child protection interventions in Victoria? I have recently had my 11 year old daughter taken away after she has mentioned feeling sucidal to a school friend. This has happened and has been a roll on custody dispute where my ex husband has been...
  5. J

    QLD Child safety malpractice?

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  6. J

    VIC Suing child protection services

    In 2015, I was finally able to submit a report and Timeline of Abuse to the Victorian Police. I had spent 30 years trying to do so, and continue the futile effort to this day. Multiple agencies and even politicians have been made aware of these offences in that time. The people I reported this...
  7. Z

    NSW Court or Mediation? Child safety

    Hi, hope someone can help me out so I can gain some sort of clarity on what to do next? I removed my 3 year old child from the mother last year due to neglect. A police report was done immediately and FACS was contacted, however FACS did not get involved as there was 1 fit parent. No parenting...
  8. Jzkm

    VIC DHHS ignoring court orders

    Hi, we went to childrens court because my partner suffered a first episode psychosis and was admitted to hospital. Now he lives with his mom for the time being and we went to court twice with dhhs child protective services. After first and second hearing they keep adding on conditions to the...
  9. L

    VIC Children's court proceedings with Child Protection

    In currently going thru proceedings with Child protection at the children's court. It's become very apparent that none of the legislation nor the department guidelines are being followed and I'm at a loss as legaid lawyer seems to not address any of it. My question is, what time limit applies to...
  10. S

    do i have a case against child protection

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