I received a traffic infringement notice in NSW. The notice only states the wording of the alleged offence. It fails to state the Act allegedly breached and what section. Revenue NSW and the issuing authority state the infringement notice is a valid notice. I cannot understand how I am to contest a infringement that I cannot look up in any act. (I don't know what Act) The most recent correspondence says that the penalty notice unambiguously "specifies the offence in terms and of the offence provision" and basically says that I can look this up. But how do I look this up if I don't know the act? I thought a penalty notice had to have all of this information on it to be valid. I am 2 years down the track now and they are still threatening enforcement action. What statute/act in NSW states what needs to be included on a penalty notice? Also, how do I take the issuing authority to court now? I would like this sorted as I haven't had the option to take this to court as they have refused my court election.